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Why take a CTE class?

Career and Technical Education provides all students access to high-quality, rigorous career-focused programs that result in attainment of credentials with labor market value.  Admission to Springville High School's CTE is open to all Nebo students. 

It fulfills a graduation requirement.

Earn a pathway

Nebo CTE Website

What are the CTE classes at SHS?

Agriculture: Animal Science, Biology Ag Science, Floriculture & Greenhouse Management, Veterinary Assistant.

Business: Accounting 1 & 2, Business Office Specialist, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Business Management. 

Computer Science: Computer Science Principles, Computer Programming, Web Development.

Education: Teaching as a Profession 1 & 2

Family & Consumer Science: Baking & Pastry, Culinary, ProStart, Interior Design 1 &2,  Sewing 1, 2 & 3, Child Development, Early Childhood Education

Health Science: Emergency Medical Responder, Foundations of Nutrition, Intro to Health Science, Medical Anatomy & Physiology, Medical Terminology, Sports Medicine.

Industrial Arts: Commercial Photography 1 & 2, Graphic Print Design, Furniture Design 1 & 2, Woodshop, Welding 1, 2 & 3, Audio, TV Broadcasting 1 &2, Video Production 1 & 2, Law Enforcement.

Student Organizations at SHS: